International know-how, research and development of new technologies, service customization, vocational training and continuous upgrading of our human resources, strong attention to market requirements and needs.
This is, in a nutshell, the identity code and philosophy of the Pulsar Group.
Pulsar’s philosophy is based on stable relationships, active presence with Clients and regular interaction with the global market of insurance and reinsurance companies.
Through our international network, we are present globally offering a high level of professional efficiency and prompt information.
Our International Department is one of the most experienced in Italy in the management of multinational programs of international clients and boasts a far-reaching and specific culture of organizational and communication techniques.
Particularly important is the Employee Benefits sector which, by means of tested and easy-to-use procedures, provides sophisticated tools available globally and complying fully with local legislation.
Insurance problems in any sector, both public and private, are tackled following our usual philosophy and with a broad technical and organizational reach, focusing on customized relationships.
Our lines of business
Our Specialties
International Insurance Services
Insurance and reinsurance. International networks in key countries across the world.
Employee Benefits
Tested and easy-to-use procedures; sophisticated tools available globally and complying with local legislation. Medical expenses, Accidents, Life, Permanent Disability resulting from illness, Long Term Care, Care Fund, Flexible Benefits.
Travelling in Europe and across the world with the safety of a reliable Partner.
All Risk Property
Risk analysis and formulation of sector-specific wording.